We have been blessed with another good week here in Williamsburg. The weather continues to be wonderful which makes it so much easier to enjoy life. Everyone was busy in a good way this week: Marti accomplished a lot in planning for VBS which is just around the corner, Sarah finished French for the year, Ben went to King's Dominion with a friend from church, Sam won two ball games this week, Amy got to eat ice cream from the Ice Cream Truck, and Kate improved her mobility by really learning how to walk.
Even though I worked a lot this week, I still enjoyed my time around the house seeing the kids laugh, learn, and grow. Even the fusses and stresses were good as there was some learning opportunities for all involved. Home group was especially encouraging this week as we really seemed to get a little deeper in God's Word and a little more intimate in our discussions.
Anyway, I am just thankful for all that God is doing around here, even when things seem stressful. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
Enjoy these two videos of the young girls. The first is when the Ice Cream truck came to the neighborhood. Amy was actually on the back deck when she heard the Ice Cream truck. She came bolting inside and said, "the creamy truck, the creamy truck." We all rushed outside and waited.
In the second video, Kate takes off walking. She started walking a few weeks ago but seems to be gaining confidence and skill. She is really happy to be taking off.