March is closing out on a high note around here. It is wonderfully sunny with a current temperature of 75. We are to have another 3 or 4 days of warm sunny weather around here. Can't wait.
The highlight of the month for Marti and I was taking Amy to San Diego for a medical conference in the early part of the month. But that isn't all that is going on around here. It has been a typically busy month. But God is good in helping us get around and enjoy life here. Here is a quick round-up of what is going on with the kids.
Sarah has been plugging along at her school work. She is super busy with her course work. However, she has been able to get more time behind the wheel and she has completed the book work portion of her Driver's Education. Now we have another 30 hours of drive time and she can go take the driving test at the DMV.
Besides that, she has begun the process of planning out her Senior year in High School. She plans to take an intense AP level course in Literature (focusing on the major works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien), French, Worldview Issues, Photography, and most likely Anatomy and Physiology. She continues to look into what colleges she is going to apply to. Her short list includes Grove City College, The King's College, Covenant College, and William and Mary. It is crazy that this is right around the corner.
Ben is also finishing up his semester and making plans for the summer and his Freshman year. He is considering going to a Strategic Intelligence Camp (Spy Camp) this summer as well going on a mission's trip to Cherokee Nation with our church. For will continue homeschooling next year and will be taking 4 courses on-line through The Potter's School. He is taking English, Latin, Ancient History (Israel and Rome), and Biology. He will also take Algebra.
Sam has been busy this month with baseball. Practices started up a few weeks ago. I am an assistant coach on his team. He is playing for the Cardinals much to his delight. He is also working hard in school and is particularly proud that he is doing well in reading and cursive writing.
Amy and Kate continue to become best little buddies. Amy is working on her potty training being very excited about her pull-ups. She gets to wear a "Potty Crown" when she goes to the potty. And Kate is just about walking. She is cruising most everywhere. The past week she has stood up unassisted from a sitting position and taken two or three steps. She is also starting to really mimic speech. I am sure it won't be long before she starts babbling a lot.
And Marti is doing great. She keeps things going around here. She is gearing up for VBS; she has bought the curriculum and is coming up with her plan of action. And she is looking great. Since January she has lost over 22 pounds.
It has been a busy month but it was a great month of transition. We really enjoyed this past winter, but we are ready for spring. More updates in the coming days.
Hey Tim: Our son Chris is considering Covenant as well (he'll be a senior in HS next year as well). Maybe he and Sarah will be there at the same time and we can help each other move into the dorms! Glad to hear that your family is doing well! Mark Bolyard
Posted by: Mark Bolyard | April 04, 2010 at 10:13 PM
Good to hear from you. It is strange to think that our little kids are getting ready for college. Natural but still strange!
Posted by: Tim Hutchison | April 05, 2010 at 07:28 AM