Over the past couple of weeks, I have been grappling with the task of restarting the blog. It was both daunting and embarrassing to realize that I haven't added anything to the blog since last October. SO MUCH has happened (more on that in a subsequent post) since then I felt I couldn't possibly catch up. And I can't. Because there is so much going on, I would be remiss to not add updates. But first, I wanted to share a few reasons why I have been absent so long.
First, raising four kids is very time consuming, especially with two teenagers in the house. The calendar fills fast with homeschooling, dance, soccer, baseball, football, church, and oh yeah, work. And so I found myself with less and less time.
Second, I was tired of writing. With the busyness described above, I found I couldn't do everything. I wasn't reading enough. I wasn't thinking enough. And so my writing was getting stale.
Third, and probably most influential, I felt I didn't have much to say. The past year has been challenging for me. I have been a bit down. I have struggled to find time for quiet time. I have felt at times that no one really wanted to read about what a family of six living in America was going through (as though people really wanted to read about an American family of five living in Kenya was some big thrill!). But you know what I mean...I felt I didn't have much to share.
The process probably started last month when I saw some old friends who noted that they checked the blog from time to time to see if I had made any new posts. I made a few excuses but realized that I was missing the chance to share, reflect, and write. Over the past two weeks while on vacation, I challenged the kids to set some goals for the coming year. They challenged me to restart the blog.
And so, after some time off, and further reflection, I have decided to restart the blog. It doesn't matter if 5 people read it a day, or 50, or 500, I sense that this is an important tool to capture what God is doing in our lives. And so I hope you will enjoy the new look and the new updates.