God Has Made Me for a Purpose
As I continue to transition into my new role as Clinical Director, I find myself doing some very ordinary and mundane things - I attend meetings, I work on staffing issues, I write schedules (and rewrite them, and rewrite once again), and so on. And so some days I don't feel like I am "being" much of a missionary - I am just being, well, a Clinical Director. And then I dig a bit deeper and realize that I am struggling with the issue of "what will people think of me?"
Funny thing this "pleasing people." On this side of the earth, I want people (especially the Faculty and Administration at the hospital) to think that I am an efficient Director and an excellent instructor. On the other side of the earth, I want people to think that I am a wonderful missionary. And in reality I am none of the above.
But at the end of the day, none of that matters. What matters is that I use my abilities to glorify God. I am to remember that I am to do my work as unto the Lord. I am to do my best to be the best doctor, the best director, the best instructor, the best discipler, and the best family man that I can. The results are up to God. My job is to do these things not for my glory, but His.
The other night, we watched Chariots of Fire with the kids because they have been studying China and read a biography about Eric Liddell. The movie meant so much more knowing the story within the story. For those not familiar with either story let me recap both quickly. Eric Liddell grew up in China in the early 1900s as a missionary kid. He returned to Scotland as a boy for schooling and excelled in sports. As a young man, he became the fastest runner in Great Britain. The movie of Chariots of Fire was about him and another runner in their pursuit of Olympic glory in the 1924 Olympics.
In the middle of the movie, Eric's sister thinks he is spending too much time running and not enough time doing important work for God. In the movie, Eric responds with this memorable line:
"God has made me for a purpose...in China. But He has also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure."
This really resonated with me. God has made me for a purpose. And He has made me a doctor and a teacher. And when I do these things I feel His pleasure. This realization has made me enjoy the work at the University even more rewarding. And this is because I know that God has made me for this purpose, for this time, for this place.
And so, if you read me complaining about the hum-drum routine of staff issues, meetings, budgets, etc, remind of this truth: God has made me for a purpose. And remember this as well. When you find yourself complaining about the same things, remember that God has made you for a purpose as well.
I know how you feel. We were discussing this the other night. My parents live on a base in PNG and they are in a 'support' role. People often categorize missionaries into 'frontline' work and 'support' work according to how much time they spend 'spreading the gospel'. The thing is, no matter what you're doing as a missionary you're doing God's work, even if it seems that you're not doing a whole lot of 'gospel spreading'. We just don't know how the Lord works, who's watching us and just by being there you're representing the Lord through your mission's reputation. If the Lord has put you in that role then that's the place he wants you and he has a purpose in the mundane. We feel the same as we struggle with staying here in Perth and becoming the SIM State Directors next month instead of going to Africa right away. Truth is, God has called us to this role and someone has to do it. I'm trying not to question his purposes.
Posted by: Amanda | January 18, 2006 at 02:55 AM
You hit the nail on the head with this blog entry. Good for you....good for God! I think if you keep this persepctive then God will use you right there for His glory. I think "feeling His pleasure" is confirmation that we are in His will. Thanks for quoting one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite "Christian Heroes", Eric Liddell.
Posted by: Rob T. | January 18, 2006 at 11:49 PM
I struggle with a lot of the same things, saddled with coursework that I'll probably never use in my field, in a place far away from where I want to serve eventually... but God keeps showing me ways that I can uniquely bless others where I am and that's really cool. He's also working me through some of my perfectionistic and people-pleasing tendencies, too.
Did you see the last comment I made a while ago? I'm still looking and would appreciate any advice or even just any organizations you might know of.
Posted by: Matthew Loftus | January 19, 2006 at 09:56 AM
Hi.God has miraculously given me a medical breakthrough I believe will help millions of suffering people but I'm having trouble implementing it.Please help.
Posted by: Raphael Rachi | February 08, 2006 at 03:29 AM