I did something yesterday I haven't done in almost 5 years. I played in the mud. No, I didn't roll around in a mud puddle, but I got out my potter's wheel and worked with clay for the first time since Sam was born. I had so enjoyed working with clay that I brought my potter's wheel on our container. I am glad that I did.
It was a bit awkward at first, but soon, I was shaping the clay instead of just making a mess. I worked hard at "centering" the clay (not some New Age meditation, but the process of getting the clay exactly centered on the wheel to allow for the pot to be shaped). Then carefully and methodically I created 4 bowls. I was pretty excited by the end of the afternoon.
But, after they had set for a while, and it was time for me to cut the bowls off their base, I met with disaster. I had made the bases too small and the wire cut right through each and every bowl. At first I was very upset. But, after reflection, realized that even if they had not been entirely messed up, I had not created bowls that would have withstood the fire.
I was reminded in this that without a good foundation, a bowl will crack in the fire, or a house will collapse. Secondly, I realized it was better to have this happen when the clay was still soft because I was able to recycle it - I took what appeared to be nicely shaped bowls, and pounded it back into a lump of clay. This was painful initially, but I was glad to conserve the clay. The next time, I will be reminded to leave a stronger base.
Life is like that as well, particularly if we allow ourselves to be clay in the Potter's Hands. We need not complain if He decides to reshape us because our foundation is weak. Nor do we need to complain that He reshapes us while we are still able to be molded - if we go through the fire and crack, then we are only good for the rubbish heap.