Recently one of our blog readers asked if we had an "introduction" page; she was trying to share some information about our work with some new members at her church. As I realized that I didn't have such a thing on the blog, I thought I would just post the introduction for posterity's sake.
Marti and I have been married for 16 years. We got married when I was still a junior in college. She taught school while I finished my undergrad work at University of North Carolina - Greensboro; I earned a B.A. in Religious Studies. After undergrad we moved to Greenville North Carolina where I went to medical school at East Carolina University School of Medicine. During my second year of school, Marti got pregnant and Sarah our first born arrived on the scene. Amazingly my grades improved as I matured during this process. During my third year of school, Marti started work on her Masters of Education. We graduated on the same day - I had my M.D., she had her M.A.Ed. It is cool to look back on our pictures of us in our graduation gowns holding our two year old daughter Sarah.
From Med School we moved to Greenwood South Carolina where I completed a residency in Family Medicine. Loving the wonderful little state, we moved to Newberry where I was in private practice. Those were fun years for us. Our family grew as well; Ben was born in Greenwood, and Sam was born in Newberry. I delivered both of them!
While in medical school we went on our first mission's trip to Africa. We were hooked after that. I remained involved in short term missions work while in residency - I have had the privilege to work in Kenya, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and the Ukraine. But, as I had a lot of student loans, we were content to be in Newberry.
One of the things that was important during our time in Newberry is that I got involved in teaching medical students from the Medical University of South Carolina. They would come for either 4 or 8 weeks for their "rural" clerkships. I so enjoyed the experience that I began to consider going into full-time academic work. It was then that we sensed God calling us to go abroad. We are glad that we did.
We have just finished our first year in Kenya. It has been a challenging year to say the least. But we are finding ourselves making this home. Marti is very involved in homeschooling the kids. She has also begun "smocking" (not smoking, but smocking). She is also involved in a women's bible study.
The kids are having a "normal" life as well. Sarah is involved in ballet and piano. Ben is involved in violin and intramurals. Sam is invovled in making messes and getting into things like all 4 year old boys. They enjoy traveling. They love the coast where we vacation. They have also enjoyed the safari's we have gone on. They have a cat and a kitten. They have had pet lizards and chameleons. We even had some dogs for a little while but they were too messy.
I enjoy my work with Kenyan medical students. I also enjoy reading, writing, and playing softball.
Again, we are glad to be here. Some days are extremely draining, but we sense God's presence in the midst of these struggles. We are also thankful for the many good memories that we are making.
Thanks for sharing all that, I had also looked for an introduction and not found one.
Two questions. What's an 'intramural'? and Which mission are you with?
Posted by: Amanda | November 16, 2005 at 09:53 AM
Thanks from me as well..I have been reading your blog for some time and it is nice to get to the "basics". I admire your family as my own struggles with our own calling.
Blessings, Christy
Posted by: Christy | November 16, 2005 at 04:48 PM
hello, I've been reading your blog too... so thanks for that! =) At least now I know a little bit more.
Posted by: marianne | November 20, 2005 at 09:21 AM