"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." Proverbs 27:6
"Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, as do stripes the inner depths of the heart." Proverbs 20:30
Have you ever received a letter, email, or had a conversation with a dear friend that came unexpectedly and caused some wounds? I am not talking about a cross word, or an angry reply, but a thoughtful response that caused you grief? It has been a while since I have received such a "blow", but oh, how thankful I am for such emails and such friends.
Recently, I was sharing some details of our possible transition with some trusted friends fully expecting them to share my enthusiasm. But when they asked some hard questions, my spirits were initally dampened. I thought, "what is the matter with these guys? Don't they get the opportunity this presents? Why are they being a fly in the ointment?"
On further reflection however, I realized that they were just doing what I asked them to do in my life: hold me accountable, ask me hard questions and demand an honest answer, and keep me focused on first things first. The emails hurt; mostly because they were only one-dimensional. I was unable to use my other senses - eyes to observe body language, ears to hear the tone of the comments and questions. But their motives were clear and honorable - these guys love me and wanted what was best for me and my family.
It was tempting to respond in anger. I could have blown them off (or blown them up with an atomic email). But, I tried to keep our relationship in focus - what were the motives behind the letter. I am glad that I was reminded by the writer of Proverbs: Wounds and blows from a friend are faithful - they are to clean away the evil and purify our inner depths.
Thank God for Faithful Blows from Faithful Friends.