Last week at this time we were still unloading our container. Our empty but neat house was overrun with furniture and boxes. We were no doubt excited but also overwhelmed. What a difference a week makes.
Today, the den is pretty well put together. It is decorated with a wonderful Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations. The stereo is playing a rack full of Christmas CD's. It looks like a home getting ready to celebrate Christmas.
Unlike last week, we now have an oven. So today the house is filled with wonderful smells of homemade pies and cookies. Sweet potatoe casserole and broccoli casseroles have been made for tomorrow. Other treats are being prepped for a "proper" Christmas dinner. I can't wait until tomorrow!
It is awesome to see Marti at work. All of the hard work of planning, preparing, and purchasing has taken root. The house, with its imperfections, is coming together to become our home. A place where we can live, learn, laugh, and love. A place where we will grow together. A place where we can retreat and relax.
Some people might have the idea that with all the needs here in Kenya that Marti shouldn't be as concerned about setting up home. They might think we should be content with a table top gas stove and no oven. They might even suggest that we should, as missionaries, be content with a small Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. And I agree to an extent. But this is Marti's ministry. Her calling is be a Titus 2 Woman. She is living out Titus 2:4 "love your husband, love your children, be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to your own husband." Her mission field is her family. She is building trust, showing love, taking care of the small things.
It is fun watching Marti get her "office" organized. This is her ministry.
Hey Marti'
I am very glad that everything is coming together for you, finally.
I can't wait to visit your home. I fully agree, you are definitely a Titus 2 woman!
We wish you a very merry Christmas!!!
Love you.
Posted by: Rebecca | December 24, 2004 at 03:22 PM
"Some people might have the idea that with all the needs here in Kenya that Marti shouldn't be as concerned about setting up home."
Nonsense. Of course, your wife should be concerned with setting up a home for her family. This home is a ministry, not only to the family, but also to the community as they see a Christian home in action. Not perfection, but a Christian home where God is at work. Not to minimize your medical ministry, but you may find that your home becomes a beacon for Christ even more than the medical work that you do.
Anyway, I have enjoyed reading about your adventures in Kenya. May God continue to bless His work through you and your family.
Posted by: Sherry | December 27, 2004 at 09:42 PM