Well, I typically don't like to bring attention to my birthday, but since I am celebrating my 35th birthday overseas I thought I would divulge the details. The morning started at the Kenya Police Central Headquarters. No, we were not arrested, but we did have to go there to pick up the police report on the accident Marti was involved in on Saturday. During this time we learned that our work permit had been approved (for those not paying attention: MY WORK PERMIT HAS BEEN APPROVED!) We went to the archdiocese to pay the work permit fee and should receive the work permit tomorrow.
While downtown, we had the opportunity to experience more Matatu culture and almost ended up in another accident. But after making our way through the maze of traffic, we drove over to the Pizza Inn where we enjoyed Italian food (Pizza) Kenya style. It was pretty good actually. After this we headed home.
After having some free time to myself (in which I read more David Livingstone and took a nap), Marti prepared the birthday feast. After Ben played "Happy Birthday" on his violin (he did quite well I must say), we had rice from Thailand (Jasmine rice, the best variety in my mind) and chicken curry (Indian). This was served with Kenyan water! After this delicious meal, we had the "birthday" cake, which was actually Apple Pie (American as you can get) from the Java House; this was served with Earl Grey tea (from Great Britian). It was then time to open the presents. The "theme" was "things for Daddy's office). I received 4 handmade crafts all made from banana fibers; they included a memo box, a coffee coaster, a wastebasket, and three "prints" to hang on the wall.
And to top it off, I have received many Birthday Greetings (emails and e-cards) from all over the U.S. Thanks to all.
Happy B-day Tim... Seems like everything is coming together nice down there in Kenya!
Posted by: Reid | November 23, 2004 at 12:48 AM
Happy belated B-day - we were in Indiana for T-giving and have been catching up on your blogs.
Posted by: Rob Tiller | November 28, 2004 at 08:56 PM