"Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher, "All is vanity." Ecclesiastes 12:8
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil." Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
After writing my post on "Disappointment" last night, I picked up my Bible, looked up the days reading, and found myself reading the last two chapters of Ecclesiastes. Now for those who don't know much about the Bible, Ecclesiastes is not the usual book of encouragement. Given my initial frame of mind when I started reading these chapters, I was not quickly cheered by its message. I kept thinking, "yep, the work permit is vanity, the shipment is vanity, and the plumbing is vanity. It is all vanity."
But despite its sometimes "depressing" message that "All is vanity", the writer, or better yet, the Preacher, has a very important conclusion: Fear God and Keep His commandments. It reminded me of the first question of the Shorter Cathecism (from the Westminster Confession of Faith for my non-Presbyterian friends!) "What is the chief end (or duty) of man?" The answer? "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever." So, when all is vanity, when all is disappointing, what are we to do? We are to Fear God. We are to be reminded that He is a great and holy and righteous and powerful and jealous God. And we are to keep His commandments.
Is it easy? No way. Not on your life. It is hard. Especially when you feel displaced, or lonely, or disappointed. And it is even harder when you really just want to sit down and pout like Jonah did.
So, now that I have preached a sermonette, what did my family do today to deal with disappointment? Nothing extraordinary. We got up and started our day like we usually do. And after breakfast, Marti started with homeschooling the children. And I started reading and answering emails. And then I did some reading about Muslims. And then I started working on my Swahili lessons. And then..the day progressed. Bottom line? We feared the Lord, tried to keep His commandments, and tried to live our lives to bring glory to Him. Are we special? By no means. We were just trying to deal with the disappointments of life in the context that God loves us.and that is enough.