+++I first have to publicly ask forgiveness from Sarah. I published the content of her letter without asking her permission first. I have deleted the quote from her letter. I also ask the forgiveness of the reader for publishing something without clearing it with my family+++
Have you ever wondered how an 11 year old girl processes going overseas to live, leaving her friends and things behind? The following is what my 11 year old daughter, Sarah, wrote to her best friend, Rachel, today as we tearfully said our goodbyes. They have been friends since they were toddlers.
Rachel,{deleted per the request of my daughter}
Your best friend, Sarah.
Reading these words and then watching these two sweet, tender, innocent, godly girls express such a sweet and honest love for one another was heart-wrenching. I was blessed and brought to tears by the agape love that they both genuinely had for one another. If there had been a female example of brotherly (and sisterly) love like that between David and Jonathon, it certainly could have been based on the love that Sarah and Rachel have for one another. I truly believe that one of them would actually lay down their own life for the other.
And yet, I believe that these girls are only exhibiting what they have watched their own mothers demonstrate in their relationship with one another. It has been neat to watch Marti and Leanne grow in their own relationship the past year. This past month has been especially wonderful to watch each of them demonstrate their gifts of love.
Today was indeed a very emotional day of good byes. There is a temptation to not want to get emotional because the intensity can be painful, but there is also a peace and comfort that results in bringing proper closure to special relationships.
I am sure that the crying and tearing has not yet reached its threshold, but I say "let's roll!"
sniff, sniff, pass the kleenex
Posted by: LeAnne | September 26, 2004 at 05:17 PM
Which ones? The dry ones or the wet, snotty ones?
Posted by: Tim | September 27, 2004 at 12:25 AM