After 8 weeks of medical "unemployment", I am back in the saddle again. As if I didn't have anything better to do with my time (pack up the apartment, arrange for visas, finalize departure plans, so on and so forth) I decided to cover a few ER shifts (for the VA Hospital in Augusta, Georgia). And I am glad I did.
First, you would think that after 4 years of medical school, 3 years of residency training, and 6 years of medical practice, you wouldn't "forget" much in two months. And although I haven't forgotten the big important stuff, I am amazed at how "sluggish" I feel trying to remember the names of little things. This is a very important lesson that I am learning. Unless I apply myself to stay current reading American medical journals, I will feel REALLY "sluggish" after a 4 year hiatus overseas.
Second, I am reminded at how much I LOVE practicing medicine. I have really enjoyed my patient encounters and my nursing staff interactions. Medicine is the "way best cool" job in the world (or at least I think so). I really enjoy trying to help figure out what is going on with patients and I enjoy helping reassure them about what is going on and what we can do to help them.
So, for those of you out there reading this and wondering if a career in medicine is for you, don't listen to those doctors and nurses that complain about all the "problems" (and believe me there are some!) in medicine. The healthcare field is one of the greatest careers you can enjoy.