Today’s first session (our 6th session this week) focused on the work of the Holy Spirit. I know some of you are probably saying, “Wow, I didn’t know that Presbyterians even believed in the Holy Spirit.” Well, not only do we believe in the Holy Spirit, but we believe that we are indeed filled with the Holy Spirit and that our lives, families, and churches are DEAD if we do not allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. So, yes, we do believe that not only is there a Holy Spirit but that He is, in fact, alive and well.
Dr. Kooistra started the session by stating,
“The Holy Spirit brings God’s touch to us – It brings the presence of God into our lives.”He further went on declaring that Jesus told His disciples that it was actually BETTER for himself to go away and SEND the Holy Spirit – in John 16:7 Jesus says,
“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”Jesus knew that it was better for the Holy Spirit to live WITHIN us rather than Around us (when Jesus was here).
Then Dr. Kooistra pointed the following 10 facts about how the earthly ministry of Jesus was marked by the presence of the Holy Spirit in His life.
1. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. – Matt. 1:18
2. He was baptized by the Holy Spirit. – Mark 1:10
3. He lived by the Spirit. – Luke 4:14
4. He was led by the Spirit. – Matt. 4:1
5. He ministered by the authority of the Spirit. – Matt. 12:28
6. He taught by the Spirit. – Luke 4:18
7. He healed by the Spirit. – Luke 4:18
8. He offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice in the Spirit. – Heb. 9:14
9. He was resurrected by the power of the Spirit. – 1 Peter 3:18
10. He continued on in the joy of the Spirit. – Luke 10:21.
You know, I have had mixed feelings and thoughts about the Holy Spirit over the years. Part of this stems from the fact that I have friends from many Christian backgrounds with different takes on the Holy Spirit. And although Dr. Kooistra continued to point out some different things about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, I was really struck by the fact that the Holy Spirit had such a major role in the ministry and life of Jesus.
Really, think about it. Jesus is God. But when He came to earth, as Paul tells us in Philippians, He EMPTIED Himself. At that moment, in some mysterious way, He was fully God and fully man. And because He was fully man, He needed the work of the Holy Spirit in His life. Wow! If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit, how much more do I? I need to stop being “afraid” of the Holy Spirit. For goodness sake, as the Amplified Bible puts it in John 16:7, He is my Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby).
Now, some of you may want to get into a discussion about When and How the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, but I don’t think it is what I am after here. I just want to praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that I am a “spirit-filled” Christian and that I want to live life more aware of the Wonderful Counselor who lives within my life. Amen and Amen.
Dr. Kooistra ended with this quote:
I live in the Spirit. I will not run from danger, flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the face of adversity, compromise with the enemy, drink from the pool of popularity, or settle for less than the victory of souls. I won’t give up, shut up, or let up until I have held up and preached the Gospel of Christ. I live in the Spirit. I will go until He comes, give till I am empty, and preach till all I can tell have heard. I LIVE IN THE SPIRIT.
Attributed to Augustine
"Wow, I didn’t know that Presbyterians even believed in the Holy Spirit."
*LOL* Yep, we've actually had comments like that from friends and relatives. . .
Posted by: TulipGirl | June 10, 2004 at 12:14 PM