"Do You Believe In Miracles?" Al Michaels, 1980
Today, I kept thinking about this great quote from Al Michaels as he described what had just transpired on ice in the 1980 Olympics when the underdog United States squad had just upset the almost unstoppable Soviet hockey team. I still get chill-bumps everytime I hear it. Now, why would I be thinking about that quote in the middle of summer in 2004? Well, it is because we experienced a miracle the past 24 hours. Let me explain.
As many of you know, Marti left yesterday to fly to Nairobi to make housing arrangements for us. We are now at over 90% of our support (another 'miracle' of sorts) and are making these final necessary arrangements. Then, next week, I will travel with the children and meet her in Belgium to begin our month long cross cultural training in Belgium. Anyway, when she arrived at the British Airway counter yesterday, she was informed that although she had a valid passport, it was only valid for the next four months and they (British Airway) would only allow her to travel onto London.
Obviously, this was a major obstacle. However, we prayed about it and decided to send her on and notify our prayer team. I did so, and began the process of praying and waiting. Praying that she would be able to complete her journey and waiting to see if God would answer these prayers. In doing so I sent the following email to our prayer team:
Dear First Responders,Well, I have both exciting news and a VERY URGENT REQUEST.
First the good news. Back several months ago when we learned that we would be doing our Pre-Field Training in Belgium, we decided to have Marti leave a week early and go into Kenya to look for housing. We prayed that we would be at 90% of our support so that she could make the necessary arrangements for housing. 2 weeks ago we were only at 80%. We prayed (as well as you) for support to continue to come in. Last night when we went to bed, we did the math and found that we were at 88%. We were excited. However, we weren't at 90% - until this morning when we learned of another pledge! So only 2 hours before Marti left, we were at 90%. So far so good.
However, this afternoon has been difficult. Although Marti left in time to get to the Atlanta airport 4 hours early - 2 long lines of accidents delayed them until 2 hours before flight. Then, when they went to check in their luggage, the airline would only allow her to check her bags to London. This is because her passport expires in 4months. We knew that it needed to have at least 3 months remaining for Belgium. We did not know that she needed 6 months for Kenya. So…….
After prayer, she is boarding the plane as I write this. She will arrive in London tomorrow at 7am London time. She has a 3 hour layover. We are asking you to pray for the following:
1. That when she arrives at the ticket counter in London that they will allow her to board the plane to go to Nairobi. Then…
2. That when she arrives in Nairobi they will allow her to get her visa in the airport (we have always just gotten our visa in the airport in Nairobi).
3. That God will give her peace about the uncertainty of the next few days.
4. That God will give her rest on the overnight airtravel.
5. That God will heal her sore throat that makes this trip difficult.Apparently the 6month rule is not NECESSARILY hard and fast, just a guideline. Her papers (Passport) are valid. We believe that through prayer, our God can be glorified through making the "impossible" happen. If her papers were not valid, we would not ask for prayer - it would be our fault.
We praise God for how He answers prayer, in the past, present, and future.
Well, the praying and waiting continued for most of today. Finally this evening, I was able to send the following update:
Dear First Responders,We praise God that He is God. He is an awesome, Almighty, Faithful, and Gracious God. To Him Alone be Glory!
Marti is currently (at 9 pm Eastern Time) sleeping soundly in KENYA! She arrived safely around 3 pm Eastern Time. We can not thank you enough for praying. The past 24 hours were trying for her. Not only was she told in Atlanta by the British Airway ticket agent that she could only check her bags to London but that they were very doubtful that she would be allowed in London to get on the plane for Nairobi. In fact, as the drama unfolded, we learned that he entered a memo on her ticket information that she had incomplete passport documentation. However, our God through your prayers has confounded the "wise" of this day. And He did it with even more "discouraging" obstacles on the journey.
The plane departed late from Atlanta and therefore arrived late at Gatwick Airport in London. Marti then had to collect her bags, go through British Immigration, board a bus to ride 70 minutes to Heathrow Airport where she was to board her connecting flight to Kenya. They arrived at Heathrow at 10:20 am local time for a 10:25 am flight. As they approached the ticket counter, they were told that it was too late and to go to another agent to get assigned to the next flight if standby was available. When Marti arrived at that ticket counter (with all her bags in tow) she inquired about the next flight. That agent asked why she wasn’t trying to get on the 10:25 flight. Marti explained that she had missed it. This agent said, "No you haven't. It has been delayed." She then tried to make arrangements to get Marti on her scheduled flight. This is when Marti learned that the agent in Atlanta had made special notice of her "imcomplete" documentation. The kind agent called her supervisor who approved Marti to board the plane. The agent then hailed another agent who put them on an express tram to the gate.
However, they still had to go through security. As they were going through security, Marti remembered that she had some scissors and cutting boards packed in her "checked" luggage. Just as the security was to open this suitcase the British Airway (BA) agent told security that "there was no time to waste" so they cleared security and moved swiftly to the gate. Marti and her mother were now the last two passengers boarding the plane and as they sat in their seats the plane backed away from the gate.
They finally arrived in Nairobi, haggared and beat. They still had to pay for their visas to allow them into Kenya. Marti was quite anxious about this. She even told me that she had placed a $20 bill in her pocket to "grease the palms" if necessary. However, our God had already "greased the palms and hearts" as they were met with friendly smiles. No concerns were noted and they passed through Immigration and Customs without any delay.
We are all relieved. We are also very humbled by God's perfect provision. When I shared with the kids that Mommy was safely in Kenya they all jumped and cheered. Then Ben looked at me and said, "Hey Daddy. We have another 'missionary' story to tell people!" "Yes, Ben," I answered, "I believe we do."
Again, thank you so much for praying. We know once again that God delights to honor prayers that bring Glory to Him.
Tim for all of us.
P.S. With such an exciting "beginning" to our next 5 weeks, please endeavour to pray for us faithfully!
So again, I ask you, "Do you believe in miracles?"
Since Blogger doesn't support trackback, I wanted to let you know I've linked to this post from my blog. What a great story about God's providence!
Posted by: John Carney | June 26, 2004 at 10:14 PM
Tim, this is great.
I love reading your blog about this kind of stuff, it excites me to see what God is doing in your family. God works and he is so faithful, it is so awesome to see and witness and hear about. I will keep your family in my prayers as you get ready for Kenya.
Posted by: Reid | June 26, 2004 at 10:59 PM
Tim; Sounds like a great start .I'll get all the info.to Chapin Pres. and especially the care group . Blessing Ed
Posted by: ED and Diana | July 01, 2004 at 09:56 PM
Tim, We are having a missions lunch after church this Sunday Dec. 5. If you have anything to share this would be a good opportunity. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving ! Just drop us an e-mail.Ed and Diana Washington
Posted by: ED and Diana | November 29, 2004 at 11:47 AM
Hello , just surfed in to say hello. You have a really nice Page! if you are looking for nice sunny holidays in spain - www.javeaholidays.com
Posted by: mara higgins | March 03, 2005 at 07:43 AM